Diagnostic Software
GB 35
CDR main board test
As soon as the CDR main board tests are finished, all failure
messages (if any) will be displayed sequentially by pressing the
[F FWD] key. The message "DERRn" will be displayed with n
indicating the faulty test number.
If one of the tests is aborted with the [F FWD] key, no error
message will be displayed for this test. The flash data erase
test ("DTST3") can not be aborted !
The CDR main board test consists out of :
DRAM test
Display : "DTST1". The DRAM used for buffer management is
tested by writing, reading and verifying test patterns.
Flash checksum test
Display : "DTST2". This test checks the checksum of the
player's SW stored in the flash.
Flash data erase
Display : "DTST3". During this test, all temporary information
(CDtxt) in the flash is erased.
Display : "DTST4". This test checks the CODEC IC by writing,
reading and verifying test patterns. The test is not applicable for
CDR communication test
Display : "DTST5". The communication between the host
processor (DASP) and the CDR loader via the DSA-R-bus is
CD communication test
Display : "DTST6"). The communication between the host
processor (DASP) and the CD loader is tested. The test is only
applicable for CDR775.
Loader tests
These tests determine if the CDR loader and the CD loader in
case of a CDR775 work correctly. A CD-DA disc with a
minimum of 3 tracks needs to be inserted in both loaders. A
disc test is executed to check focus control, disc motor control,
radial control and jump grooves control. The disc test is
performed by audio play-back of 5 seconds at the beginning,
middle and end of the disc.
CDR loader test
During the test, the current disc time is shown. In case of an
error the message "BERR1" will be displayed and the [F FWD]
key must be pressed to continue with the following test.
Pressing the [F FWD] key also aborts this test.
CD loader test
For CDR775 only. During the test, the current disc time is
shown. In case of an error the message "BERR2" will be
displayed and the [F FWD] key must be pressed to continue
with the following test. Pressing the [F FWD] key also aborts
this test.
Display test
All segments will blink at a frequency of 1 Hz. Pressing the
[F FWD] key will start the next test because the user has to
check for himself if all segments work properly.
Keyboard and remote control tests
The test will give the user the ability to test every key without
executing the function assigned to it. Therefore, the user needs
to press every key on the keyboard and the remote control. The
display will show the name of the key being pressed. Pressing
more than one key at once will give an unpredictable result
except for the service combinations : [PLAY/PAUSE] + [STOP],
6.4 Mechanical service diagnostics
Display shows
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Display shows
even if tray is blocked
Visual inspection
(test for defective components)
simultaneously and switch
ON unit
If power ON,
switch power OFF
To end test, switch OFF unit
Display shows
CL 96532076_015.eps