- 34 -
MHz and 887 MHz. So, if you do a
playout on another frequency as set in
the TV, the TV will do a fallback scan in
order to find it. Make sure the
frequency is not used by any other tv-,
radio- or data mux.
[Scan Mode]: Define when the TV shall
scan the RF stream for updates
When [Legacy] is selected, then the
RF scan for upgrades will happen 5
minutes after the TV is set to STBY,
1PM and at 4AM when the TV is not
in use
When [Standby] is selected, the TV
will scan continuously when the TV
is in standby and [Standby Mode]
set to [Fast]
When [Standby and On] is selected,
the TV will scan continuously when
the TV is in standby and also when
in on state. When in on state, in
order to be able to upgrade, the tv
needs to be tuned to the RF playout
frequency, for example when an AV
stream is being used in CMND and
the tv is tuned to it
When [
Energy Saving
] is selected,
only the scan will happen at 4AM
when the TV is not in use
Note: in order to set the [Scan Mode],
the TV must be in [Fast] mode. In Green
mode, the TV will always follow the
[Legacy] scanning
Note: TV will stop the upgrade if TV
would be woken up by the guest during
the upgrade
Switch on settings
Navigate to the [Switch on Settings]
menu, you will see the screen on the left
In this menu you will be able to set all
Switch on settings, these are the menu
items that a guest can change, the values
you set here are the settings applied when
the guest wakes up the TV
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