2) When boot logo selected, PD will check if there is bootanimation.
zip under USB and SD card.
Function introduction:
Option description
Use customized boot animation file which is copied from SD card or
Use boot animations file under SD card
Use boot animations file under USB
Press save key to save SD card or USB bootanimation.zip to /data/
local and set it as boot logo.
Press Forget key to delete /data/local bootanimation.zip and not
show boot logo.
Close dialogue w/o changes.
Scenario introduction:
Case 1
The user don’t settle customized boot logo. PD does not find any
bootanimation.zip file under SD and USB. The list will be blank. Save
and Forget button will be gray and useless.
Case 2
The users do not settle customized boot logo. PD find
bootanimation.zip file under SD and USB. The screen will show
bootanimation.zip and select the first file automatically.
Case 3
The user settle customized boot logo, the screen will show /data/
3) If OSD menu Logo item is On or Off, the users cannot choose
boot animation in Android settings.
3. Screenshot
Via Enable/Disable to control screenshot On/Off.
After Enable, user can set screenshot timeslot and save path.
Time slot of deletion and screenshot:
(1) Will delete picture at initial time 0 sec.
(2) Will screeshot at first 40 sec.
(3) Media player, Browser, CMND & play, PDF reader, Custom source
are supported.
(4) Screenshot will not include video container