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Regenerating a Root Certificate
Before starting this step please review Sections 2 and 3 from this Appendix. In Step 2, you should have
installed Cygwin into your computer. Ensure that it is running properly. In Step 3 you went through the
process of generating your security certificates to be loaded into the midspan. Generating the Root
Certificate is a similar process.
Double click the Cygwin icon on the desktop to run the command prompt.
The following steps to generate the new certificate need to be followed exactly:
Step 1: enter the following - cd c:/x509 and press the enter key
Step 2: enter the following - bash and press the enter key
Step 3: enter a capital R to make a new Root certificate. If the letter is not capitalized the command
prompt may not follow the command.
Figure 63: Regenerate Root Certificate