Phihong USA Corporation | 47800 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 | 1.510.445.0100 |
3.5 System Tools Webpage
This System Tools webpage allows user to execute the following 3 tasks:
Upload the binary file POEB-x.x.x.bin (web/SNMP image) into the midspan‘s internal
EEPROM directly. Note that if a new version of firmware is released, in order to update,
you first must use the Windows TFTP command to upload POEA-x.x.x.bin into the
midspan‘s internal microprocessor, then upload POEB-x.x.x.bin. Please review Chapter 5:
Firmware Updating at Field for more details regarding TFTP uploading.
To upload web/SNMP image, using the
button to locate file POEB-x.x.x.bin, then
click on the
button. If the upload is successful, a new page will display the message
<Software Update Successful>.
Click on the link referencing the site main page to be
redirected to the newly updated controller.
Reboot Midspan.
In addition to the
button, there is an input-box for time associated with the
button. The
input-box specifies the time for the boot loader to wait for a TFTP
firmware upload after a power reset. Read Chapter 5: Firmware Updating at Field for more
details regarding a TFTP upload.
Choose 0 seconds for a normal reboot. If you have uploaded the POEA-x.x.x.bin via TFTP
boot load, then a value of at least 6 must be input prior to clicking the
button, then
the page will be redirected to the Reboot webpage. Note that the POE ports will be turned
off while the boot loader is waiting for an upload, however, if a reboot of 0 seconds (fast
reset) is selected, the power across the ports in use will not experience any interruption.
Restore Defaults.
Restore Defaults
button restores midspan to the factory defaults, and redirects the
user to the Rebooting page.
Review the following default settings for your Phihong midspan.
hostname: phihong-xxxxxx where ‘xxxxxx’ is the last 6 characters of the midspan’s MAC
user name: admin (case sensitive)
password: admin (case sensitive)
DHCP: enabled
read-write community: Phihong
read-only community: Phihong-read-only