Revision: 3.0.3
Signal Strength and Signal Quality
Display the measured signal strength and
quality Q value upstream and downstream.
Signal strength is indicated from 00.0~99.9.
of 00.0 indicates no signal detected, w
indicates maximum signal strength. Norm
signal strength should be
Signal quality Q is indicated by 00
indicates the poorest signal while 99 indicate
signal. Normally, signal quality Q value s
better than 50.
During the installation, pay attention to t
strength and signal quality, the higher, the be
strong signal strength and high quality
ensure the long-term stability and the high accu
the measurement results.
Display the ratio between the actual
transmit time and the calculated trans
according to customer
s requirement. Norm
ratio should be 100
. If the difference is
the user should check whether the param
entered correctly, especially the sound veloc
fluid and the installation of the transducers.
is of no use before the system is ready.
Fluid Sound Velocity
Display the measured fluid sound velocity.
Total Time and Delta Time
Display the measured ultrasonic average ti
nS) and delta time of the upstream and do
(unit: nS) time. The velocity calculation
Flowmeter is based on the two readings.
time is the best indication that the instr
running steadily. Normally the fluctuation in
of the delta time should be lower than 20%. I
it is necessary to check if the transducers are
properly or if the parameters have been
D116 Series Ultrason
and signal
99.9. A reading
while 99.9
ormally the
herefore, 00
cates the best
ue should be
o the signal
he better. The
y value can
accuracy of
l measured
ansmit time
ormally the
is too large,
rameters are
locity of the
rs. This data
time (unit:
tion in the
s. The delta
strument is
in the ratio
. If it is not,
are installed
been entered
St r e n g t h + Qu a li t y [
UP: 0 .0 DN: 0 .0 Q= 0 0
T OM/ T OS* 10 0
0 .0 0 %
F lu i d So u n d Ve lo c
14 4 3 .4 m
T o t l T i me , De lt a T i
8 .9 14 9 u S, - 17 1.0 9 n S
sonic Flowmeter
Page 35 of 53
[ 9 0
0 0
[ 9 1
o c i t y
m/ s
T i me
9 n S