Position, twist and splice the boundary wire
1. Create a section of twisted wire to connect the fence transmitter to
the boundary:
a. Measure the distance the wire will travel between your
transmitter and the nearest edge of the planned boundary.
Add 1/2 metre to this measurement to account for shortening
of wire due to twisting.
b. Cut two lengths of boundary wire to the length determined in
step a.
c. Twist the two wires together 30 times per metre. Twisting the
two wires together cancels the fence signal, allowing your
pet to cross over without receiving a stimulation.
The fastest way to twist two wires is to anchor one end of the
two wires to something secure (or have a partner hold them),
then insert the other end of the two wires into a power drill,
pull the wire tight and use the drill to slowly twist the wire.
2. Connect one end of the twisted wire section to the transmitter:
a. Strip 1 centimetre of insulation from each wire.
b. Insert the stripped ends of the wire into the boundary wire
terminals on the bottom of the fence transmitter. To insert each
wire, press the red plastic tab, insert the wire into the terminal,
and then release the tab.
There should be one wire in each terminal. Make sure the wires
do not touch each other at the terminals. Do not plug in the
transmitter yet.
3. Route the other end of the twisted wire out to the edge of the
boundary as planned.
1 cm 1 cm