Using the flyDetect® mobile application, on the main dashboard press the ‘Service’ icon and using your
mobile phone’s camera, scan the QR code located on the right-hand side of the flyDetect® trap. Scroll to the
‘servicing’ section and check the box for ‘Change the sticky board’ and then press ‘SERVICE’.
1. The sticky board has a pre-formed crease 30mm from the bottom edge. Fold the board 90 degrees along
this crease line.
2. Carefully remove the release paper from the front face of the board to reveal the glue surface.
3. Ensuring the glue surface is facing towards the UV tubes, and the folded tab is at the bottom, slot the
sticky board between the two board guides on the back panel of the trap and slide down until it reaches
the bottom.
4. Make sure that the folded section bends down to a right angle at the bottom of the channels, and the top
edge of the sticky board is level with the top edge of the metalwork, and not protruding beyond it.
5. Once complete, press ‘NEW INITIAL IMAGE’. Once successfully updated, a new initial image of the sticky
board will be displayed on your handset.
6. Press ‘DONE’ to complete this process.
Always install PestWest® flyDetect® yellow sticky boards to ensure peak efficiency and performance of
the detection system. This sticky board has been developed in conjunction with the flyDetect® trap to
provide the most accurate results possible. Using any other sticky board will have a negative impact on the
detection system and cause inaccurate results.
Whenever a new sticky board is inserted into the trap, the mobile phone application will guide you through
taking an initial image of the newly inserted empty board. This initial image will then be used to compare
all future images against, until the next sticky board replacement. It is important that the sticky board is
inserted properly, and the on-screen instructions followed.