Internal PS130 Power Supply Addendum
page 3
Internal PS130 Power Supply Addendum
Power Connect
To power-up a PS130 Power Supply and its associated routing switcher
frame take the following steps:
1. Insert the power supply into the frame following the instructions in the
Power Removal Section of this addendum.
2. Connect the power supply to the AC line.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a secondary power supply if applicable.
4. If applicable, connect any DC power looped to and from other frames
in the routing switcher system to the unit under test.
Power Disconnect
To power-down a PS130 Power Supply, disconnect the AC power
cord from the power supply's AC line input connector. To power-down
a PS130 Power Supply and its associated routing switcher frame take the
following steps:
1. If applicable, disconnect any DC power looped to and from other
frames in the routing switcher system from the unit under test.
2. Disconnect the AC line from the primary PS130 Power Supply.
3. If applicable, disconnect the AC line from the secondary PS130 Power
Front Door Removal and Replacement
Front Door Removal (Removable Front Doors Only)
To remove the PESA equipment item's front door (cover) take the follow-
ing steps:
1. Grasp the both the left and right front cover slide locks and push or pull
them towards the center of the equipment item's front.
2. Once both slide locks are slide toward the center of the equipment
items front, carefully pull the front door off the equipment item.