Illustration 42
Typical example
Release the four clips (1). Remove the bowl (2)
and remove the old filter element. Discard the old
filter element in accordance with local regulations.
The filter element is removed by pulling down
on the filter element.
Ensure that the seal (3) is installed onto the new
filter element (4).
Illustration 43
Typical example
Install the new filter element. Align the clips (1).
Install the bowl (2).
Connect the power supply to the engine. Operate the
engine and check for leaks.
Engine Mounts - Check
Misalignment of the engine and the driven equipment
will cause extensive damage. Excessive vibration of
the engine and the driven equipment can be caused
by the following conditions:
• Improper mounting
• Loose bolts
• Deterioration of the isolators
Ensure that the mounting bolts are tightened to the
proper torque.
Ensure that the isolators are free of oil and
contamination. Inspect the isolators for deterioration.
Ensure that the bolts for the isolators are tightened to
the correct torque.
Replace any isolator that shows deterioration. For
more information, see the literature that is provided
by the OEM of the isolators.
Engine Oil - Change
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Engine Oil Sample - Obtain” before
performing maintenance.
Do not drain the engine lubricating oil when the
engine is cold. As the engine lubricating oil cools,
suspended waste particles settle on the bottom of the
oil pan. The waste particles are not removed with
draining cold oil. Drain the oil pan with the engine
stopped. Drain the oil pan with the oil warm. This
draining method allows the waste particles that are
suspended in the oil to be drained properly.
Failure to follow this recommended procedure will
cause the waste particles to be recirculated through
the engine lubrication system with the new oil.
Ensure that the vessel that will be used is large
enough to collect the waste oil.
Remove the drain plug and the sealing washer (4).
Allow the engine oil to drain.