Engine Operation
Engine Operation
Proper operation and maintenance are key factors in
attaining the maximum service life and economy for
the engine. Follow the instructions in this Operation
and Maintenance Manual and Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting in order to minimize operating
costs and maximize the service life of the engine.
Observe the gauges and the instrument panel
frequently during engine operation and record the
data in a log regularly. Compare the data to the
specifications for normal engine operation.
Comparing the data over time will help to detect
changes in engine performance.
Investigate any significant change in the readings.
Monitor the engine operation and take action when
discrepancies are found.
Partial load and Low Load
Extended operation below 50% of the base power
load will cause the following results:
• Carbon formation in the cylinder
• Detonation
• Power loss
• Poor performance
• Accelerated wear of components
• Increased oil consumption
• Glazing of the cylinder bore