Recycling Perkins Heavy-Duty Coolant/
Perkins Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreeze can be
recycled. The drained coolant mixture can be distilled
to separate the ethylene glycol and water. The
ethylene glycol and the water can be reused. The
distilled material does not contain the additives that
are classified as either Perkins ELC or Perkins
Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreeze. Consult your Perkins
distributor for more information.
When recycled coolants are used, use only coolants
that have been recycled from extended life, heavy-
duty, or automotive coolants. Use coolants that were
originally manufactured from virgin ethylene or
propylene glycol.
Recycled coolants should meet the latest revision of
“ASTM D6210”.
Water/SCA (Supplemental Coolant
Commercial SCA can be added to water of the
recommended quality to form a Water/SCA finished
coolant. SCA/Water finished coolant is glycol free.
SCA/Water finished coolant is for engine applications
that do not require freeze protection.
Never use water alone as a coolant. Water alone is
corrosive at engine operating temperatures. In addi-
tion, water alone does not provide adequate protec-
tion against boiling or freezing.
In engine cooling systems that use water alone,
Perkins recommends the use of SCA. SCA helps to
prevent the following conditions from occurring:
• Corrosion
• Formation of mineral deposits
• Cavitation erosion of the cylinder liner
• Foaming of the coolant
If Commercial SCA is used, select a fully formulated
commercial SCA. The commercial SCA must provide
a minimum of 1200mg/L or 1200 ppm
(70 grains/US gal) and a maximum of 2400 mg/L or
2400 ppm (140 grains/US gal) of nitrites in the final
coolant mixture.
The quality of the water is an important factor in this
type of cooling system. Distilled water or deionized
water is recommended for use in cooling systems. If
distilled water or deionized water is not available, use
water that meets or exceeds the minimum
requirements that are listed in the
Perkins Minimum
Acceptable Water Requirements
table for
recommended water properties in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
A cooling system that uses a mixture of SCA and
water only needs more SCA. The SCA concentration
in a cooling system that uses SCA and water should
be 6 to 8 percent by volume.
Maintain the SCA in the same way as you would
maintain a cooling system that uses heavy-duty
coolant/antifreeze. Adjust the maintenance for the
amount of SCA that has been added.
Adding the SCA to Water at the Initial Fill
Use the equation that is in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Adding SCA to Heavy-Duty
Coolant at the Initial Fill” to determine the amount of
SCA that is required at the initial fill. This equation is
for a mixture of only SCA and water.
Adding the SCA to Water for
For the recommended service interval, refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance
Interval Schedule” for your engine.
Commercial SCA test kits are available to test the
concentration of SCA or a coolant sample can be
sent for analysis, consult your Perkins Distributor for
more information.
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
coolant analysis. The size of the cooling system
determines the amount of SCA that is required.
Use the equation that is in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Adding SCA to Commercial
Heavy-Duty Coolant for Maintenance” to determine
the amount of SCA that is required for maintenance,
if necessary.
Specific engine applications may require
maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated to
maintain the engine cooling system properly.
Fluid Recommendations
General Lubricant Information
Engine Oil
The engine oil recommendation for an application
can change due to advances in the specification of
the oil. Refer to Perkins distributor for the latest
Do not use multigrade oils.