5 Valid characters
Both, capital and small characters may be used, the
interpretation is the same.
Reads the reset mode at operating
0 = no reset
1 = electrical reset
2 = manual reset
3 = manual and electrical reset
The device answers the query in the following
<STX> X <CR><LF>
Modifies the value of preset 1. The modified
preset value is saved in the EEPROM.
Value transmission in the following format:
<STX><+/-> XXXXXX <CR><LF>
Modifies the value of preset 2. The modified
preset value is saved in the EEPROM.
Value transmission in the following format:
<STX><+/-> XXXXXX <CR><LF>
Sets the counter value:
- to 0 when adding
- when subtracting
to preset 2
<ESC>(A) U
<ESC>(A) V1
<ESC>(A) V2
<ESC>(A) Z
Escape (1Bh, 27d)
2-digit counter address given in the form of two ASCII
numbers (00..99)
Start of Text (02h, 02d). This character is optional when
sending to the counter.
Carriage Return (0Dh, 13d)
Line Feed (0Ah, 10d)
Upon receiving <LF>, the device starts interpreting the
instructions received.
ASCII-coded number (30h..39h, 48d..57d)
ASCII-coded sign („+“, 2Bh, 43d ; „-“, 2Dh, 45d)
Important: even the positive sign must be sent with the
When the device receives wrong or insufficient
parameters „F“ is returned.
Overflow. „E“ (45h, 69d) character is returned in case
of overflow. Otherwise, „0“ (30h, 48d) is returned
When using the instruction „M“ or „CM“ in the
Frequency meter/Tachometer operating mode, „F“
(46h, 70d) is sent or received.
Caution: not to be confused with the „F“ used in case
of wrong or insufficient parameters.
At operating mode TIMER, „H“ (48h, 72d) is sent to
indicate the resolution in hours.
At operating mode COUNT, „I“ (49h, 73d) is sent or
At operating mode TIMER, „M“ (4Dh, 77d) is sent to
indicate the resolution in minutes.
The same applies to the operating mode TACHO with a
display in 1/min.
„N“ (4Eh, 78d) is sent to indicate the negative polarity
of the input signals.
„P“ (50h, 80d) is sent to indicate the positive polarity of
the input signals.
At operating modeTIMER, „S“ (53h, 83d) is sent to
indicate the resolution in seconds.
The same applies to at operating mode TACHO with a
display in 1/sec.
At operating mode TIMER, „T“ (54h, 84d) is sent or
At operating mode TIMER, „W“ (57h, 87d) is sent to
indicate a counting in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
Characters sequence „O“, „N“(4Fh, 4Eh or 79d, 78d)
Characters sequence „O“, „F“(4Fh, 46h or 79d, 70d)
6 Terminal assignment X3
(Illustration see chapter 7 of the operating instructions)
Serial interfaces
Terminal no
RxD = Reception line
TxD = Transmission line
CTS, RTS = Handshake signals
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances.
Copyright Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 • USA (330) 4 25 35 55 • Singapore 7 79 90 91 • Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com