Pocket Powerbox Micro
0 to 100% humidity readings with 2-5% accuracy
-40 to 80°C temperature readings ±0.5°C accuracy
The unit automatically detects the presence of the probe and polls for temperature readings every 15 seconds.
A RJ12 socket connects the temperature/humidity sensor with the Pocket Powerbox Micro controller.
A watchdog resets the device if for any reason there is no response from the controller after two (2) seconds. A neat
feature in the unlikely event of a microcontroller freeze
when have a remote observatory and you need to be sure
that everything works as expected.
Controller can auto adjust the heater power levels by consulting the Dew Point readings of the environmental
sensor. Auto-Dew must be set to ON (ON by factory setting) from the supplied software.
As the dew point comes close to environmental temperature, both dew heater channels power are increased. The
algorithm consults the dew point and the current draw of the heaters and tunes the power levels every 10
seconds. The aggressiveness of the algorithm from can be tuned from the supplied software.
A red colored LED is fitted on the right front side of the unit. The light pattern displayed by the led indicated the
status of the device. The led can be turned on / off from the software at your demand.
Permanently Light
Device is up and running
Flashing Light (4 times every 4 sec)
Device entered to firmware upload
Flashing Light (once per 0.5 seconds)
A power issue (overvoltage) exists and
controller had already shut down the ports.
Check diagnose message in software