Pg. 10
Pg. 11
Battery and Charger
Charging plug for 48 volt battery
City Commuter
Charging plug for 36 volt battery
City Commuter
Included with your new Pedego is a lithium
ion battery, along with a charger, which
plugs into a standard 240 volt household
electric receptacle
A lithium ion battery requires specially de-
signed chargers. You should never charge
your battery with a substitute charger that
is not designed for this use. Use of an
unsuitable charger to charge a lithium ion
battery could result in over-heating, fire or
even explosion.
The 36 volt chargers are interchangeable
between the Comfort Cruiser and City
Commuter batteries, but the 48 volt char-
gers are specific to each model.
Charging plug for 36 volt battery
Comfort Cruiser
Charging plug for 48 volt battery
Comfort Cruiser