Channel strip:
The controls and display on each channel strip on the control surface changes to reflect the controls of the layer
selected. These can either duplicate the controls on the mixer screen selected layer or the control surface lay-
er can be selected independently. Either way, the display in each channel identifies the current function of the
(1) Channel Fader:
Moves to represent the current fader position of the channel on the selected layer. When the fader is moved,
update messages are sent to update the corresponding fader in LV1. The channel fader normally controls the
channel level but can also control an auxiliary send if the faders have been flipped.
(2) Mute:
The mute button illuminates Red when the channel is muted and is used to control the mute function.
(3) Scribble Strip Display:
The display identifies the channel number, bus selected and shows the user supplied channel name.
For example:
Ch 16 reflects the controls for mixer channel 16.
AxFp16 is aux 16 send flipped to channel faders.
DCA represents a DCA master.
Mtrx represents a Matrix master.
(4) Cue:
The Cue button illuminates Blue when Cue is activated. This activates the send from this channel to the Cue bus.
(5) Select:
The channel select button illuminates White when the channel is selected. When the channel select button is
pressed, the channel page and channel view mode are updated to provide the user access to its channel specific
(6) Master Faders 1 and 2:
Unlike the channel faders, the master faders normally do not change function when control layers are changed.
The exception is if “Follow Aux Flip” is selected in control surface options. Their function is defined in the Tac-
tus control panel in the setup> System Inventory screen.
Any faders in the console can be assigned to these faders. For example, these faders can be used to control aux
fed subwoofers or reverb level.