PCAN-Router Pro – User Manual
I/O Function 70h (Special Out)
Special functions of the PCAN-Router Pro
I/O No
Trace Enable
The logging function must be enabled for the
desired CAN channels.
Default Value 15
4-bit value: a set bit enables the logging
function for the corresponding CAN channel
(here: all four CAN channels).
Bit 0 (1 dec.) = CAN 1
Bit 1 (2 dec.) = CAN 2
Bit 2 (4 dec.) = CAN 3
Bit 3 (8 dec.) = CAN 4
Further logging possibilities with the I/O function
70h (Special Out):
Routing 1 to CF Explicit: Only CAN messages with the given 11-
bit ID
Routing 1 to CF Excluding: All CAN messages with 11-bit ID
excluding those with the given 11-bit ID
This setting and further ones for the PCAN-Router Pro are