I Basics
P. 1-5
A) Wheelchair at a glance
P. 1
B) Quick guide to the wheelchair in 5 steps
P. 2-3
C) Safety Guidelines
P. 4-7
1) Weight Limitations
P. 4
2) Wheel locks
P. 4
3) Operation
P. 4
4) Stability
P. 5
5) Maintenance
P. 6-7
II List of components
P. 8-14
A) Headrest
P. 8
B) Push bar
P. 8
C) Armrests
P. 9
D) Backrest
P. 10
E) Seat
P. 10
F) Front / Rear casters
P. 11
G) Central wheels
P. 12
H) Handrims
P. 12
I) Wheel locks
P. 13
J) Passing kerbs
P. 13
K) Footrests
P. 14
III Coping with everyday obstacles
P. 15-25
A) Handling of wheelchairs
P. 15-18
1) A note to the users
P. 15
2) A note to wheelchair assistants
P. 15
3) Transferring to and from other seats
P. 16-17
A) Independent transfer
P. 16
B) Transferred by wheelchair assistant
P. 17
4) Positioning
P. 18
B) Indoor
P. 19-22
1) Bedroom
P. 19-20
A) Independent transfer
P. 19
B) Transferred by wheelchair assistant
P. 20
2) Bathroom
P. 21
3) W.C
P. 22
C) Outdoor
P. 23-25
1) Kerbs
P. 23
2) Stairways
P. 24
3) Vehicles
P. 25
IV Warranty
P. 26-27
A) Warranty conditions
P. 26
B) Warranty certificate
P. 27
V Product Parameters
P. 28