Once you have completed this step, you should have all your (TIP) nozzle zones set up to the same
profile follow the same steps to set your manifold (M.F) zones.
When you look at the main window, you will see that the nozzles will look like nozzles and the
manifold zones will look like manifolds.
If you have a Feeder bushing on your system, set this zone as your last zone and set it as a nozzle
Nozzle zones (TIP)
Manifold zones (
Start Button
Now that you have customized all your
in the Top RH corner to start the system running.
TC50 Hot Runner Temperature Controller
completed this step, you should have all your (TIP) nozzle zones set up to the same
profile follow the same steps to set your manifold (M.F) zones.
When you look at the main window, you will see that the nozzles will look like nozzles and the
manifold zones will look like manifolds.
If you have a Feeder bushing on your system, set this zone as your last zone and set it as a nozzle
es (TIP)
zones (M.F)
Now that you have customized all your zones, you are ready to run. Click the
in the Top RH corner to start the system running.
Hot Runner Temperature Controller
completed this step, you should have all your (TIP) nozzle zones set up to the same
When you look at the main window, you will see that the nozzles will look like nozzles and the
If you have a Feeder bushing on your system, set this zone as your last zone and set it as a nozzle
you are ready to run. Click the