Brought to you by PCS Electronics,
This is the most interesting feature for 99% of customers out there so we will dedicate a bit more time to it. RDS
standard provides for a 8-character PS string which is used to identify radio station and is displayed by RDS-enabled
radio receivers. Some countries prohibit changing this text dynamically, but others don’t. Whatever your decision
may be, RDSMAX supports either static or dynamic PS. It is best to check with the local authorities before setting
up the RDS encoder.
The mechanism for handling dynamic (or static) PS text is best demonstrated by the following example:
Imagine a train traveling in a round trip involving 100 train stations. The train starts on station 00 (PS00) and goes
through stations 01, 02…. until it passes through station 99 and finally returns to station 00. Every time a train stops
at the station it sends the message back to the headquoters (PS text shown on RDS receiver). The amount of time
the train stays at the station (delay – PD00 to PD99) varies and can be from 0 minutes (train does not stop) to 9
minutes. I hope this little analogy has illustrated the process. You have 100 8-character strings (PS00 to PS99) which
are displayed one after the other until the entire loop repeats itself. You can define how long each of these strings is
displayed, the parameter which defines this is PD (PD00 to PD99).
Example: If you wish to just have one static PS, set all delays to 0 and set just PD00 to 1. Than set PS00 to desired
statis PS, which will be displayed indefinitely.
General Command Format
This is the format of a PS00 command, which sets PS00 to **TEST**:
VB basic example:
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(0) 'Start (0)
MSComm1.Output = "PS00"
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(1) ‘End Command start of value(1)
MSComm1.Output = "**TEST**"
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(2) ‘End Command and value
This is the format of a PD00 command, which sets PD00 to 5:
VB basic example:
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(0) 'Start (0)
MSComm1.Output = "PD00"
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(1) ‘End Command start of value(1)
MSComm1.Output = "5"
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(2) ‘End Command and value
It is recommended to put a short delay of 10ms after sending of each data packet. So the example above becomes:
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(0) 'Start (0)
Sleep 10
MSComm1.Output = "PD00"
Sleep 10
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(1) ‘End Command start of value(1)
Sleep 10
MSComm1.Output = "5"
Sleep 10
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(2) ‘End Command and value
Sleep 10
This is another popular feature, RDS allows for 64-character text string to be displayed on the receiver. However this
feature is rarely used as you need to press a button to display it (PS is always displayed by default). Another “nail in
RTs' coffin" is the fact that typical receiver only displays a maximum of 8-characters at a time meaning the message
needs to be scrolled. However popular or unpopular it may be, we support it.