© PCE Instruments
Detection Mode
When the device is started, the display shows the current value of PM 2.5 in the middle. The
evaluation of the measured value is shown by the colour in which it is showsn. Green means
good, yellow means neither good neither bad, red means bad. The quality of PM 2.5 is also
displayed in a colour scale. In the lower area of the display on the left-hand side, the current
temperature is displayed. The current air humidity is shown on the right-hand side. In the upper
part of the display, you can see the icon for the battery status.
By pushing and releasing the power button, you can enter the next interface where you can see
the temperature, air humidity, PM 2.5 and PM 10.
By pushing the power button again, you can enter the area for the graphical representation. The
graphics show the values measured during the last 3 minutes.