© PCE Instruments
With the frequent use of the tester, the pressure pin will be worn out slightly. When this
happens, the measurement value will deviate. So it is necessary to check the wear of the
pressure pin on a regular basis. If you do not get two readings which lie within the indicated
range of the two calibration blocks when performing a display calibration, this means that the
pressure pin is worn out and needs to be replaced. After that, the device needs to be calibrated
Pin replacement
Loosen the screws on both sides of the handle with a small screwdriver (a total of 12). Take off
the case and take out the spring tube. Loosen the lower spindle connecting screw with a
spanner and take out the lower spindle. Now you can remove the used pin and replace it with a
new one, then reinstall the lower spindle and lock it with the spanner. Put on the spring tube,
remount the case and lock it with the screws. See the following picture for reference.
After replacing the pressure pin, you need to calibrate the device again.
When the tester is used over a longer period of time, especially when measuring soft aluminium
alloy materials, some material might remain on the pin which might affect the accuracy of the
device. To eliminate this error, make sure to check and clean the top of the measuring pin on a
regular basis.