3.8. To Record One Data (One Shot, Sampling Time = 0)
1. Set the sampling time to 0 by pressing the SAMPLE button (number 0) in the VEL mode (measuring
velocity of wind). The previous stored sampling time will be displayed in upper LCD.
2. Enter number 0 and press ENTER button.
3. Every time REC button is pressed, the data in LCD is stored in memory (the data is always kept even
battery is removed later.)
3.9. To Record Data Continuously (Sampling Time <> 0)
1. Set the sampling time to desired value (1 to 240) by pressing the SAMPLE button (number 0) in the VEL
mode (measuring velocity of wind). The previous stored sampling time will be displayed in upper LCD.
2. Enter desired number and press ENTER button.
3. Once the REC button (number 9) is pressed, the data in LCD is stored continuously in memory at the
specified sampling time. (the data is always kept even battery is removed later.). The REC symbol will be
shown in LCD to indicate the status of recording. Maximum number of records is 2000.
4. To stop recording, press the REC button (number 9 ) again to stop recording. If users turn the power off
without pressing the REC button (number 9), the data is lost. Because the information of last record is
not stored. But if all 2000 records are stored, anemometer will stop recording and store the information of
last record in memory.
To Read Data Stored in Memory Sequentially
1. Press the READ button (number 7) to read data stored in memory sequentially.
2. The RECORD NUMBER will be displayed in the upper LCD before the data is displayed. The data will
roll over to the first record if the last record is read.
3. To exit READ mode, press RESET button (number 8).
To Read Data Stored in Memory Randomly
1. Once anemometer is in READ mode, users can still read a random record in memory.
2. Press SAMPLE button (number 0). and enter the record number (The anemometer is already in READ
3. Press the READ button (number 7) then the desired record will be displayed in LCD.
4. To exit READ mode, press RESET button (number 8).
To Send Data Out to PC through RS-232C (AVM-07)
1. Holding the RS-232 button (number 1) while turning power on will enable RS-232 function. RS-232
symbol will be shown in LCD.
2. 15 bytes of data will be sent out to RS-232C port every one second.
Note: The RS-232 function will be automatically disabled, if continuously data recording is enabled.
The Data Format of 15 Data Sent Out to RS-232
0D (hex)
bit4: Velocity OL, bit5: Area OL, bit6: temperature OL.
0: m/s, 1: ft/min, 2: knots, 3:km/hr, 4:MPH
bit2: MAX, bit3: MIN, bit4:0-VEL, 1:FLOW, bit5: 0-Degree C, 1-Degree F, bit7: RS-232
bit0: 0-CMM, 1-CFC, bit3: Low Battery, bit4: temperature -OL, bit5: AVE, bit6: 2/3Vmax,
bit7: Instant
Lower LCD decimal point.
bit0: x100, bit1: x10, bit2: x1, bit3: dp1 (right most), bit4: dp2, bit4: dp3 (left most).
Upper LCD decimal point
bit2: x1, bit3: dp1 (right most), bit4: dp2, bit5: dp3 (left most).