Using the VAGABOND MINI™ LITHIUM To Operate Auxiliary Equipment
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium
system is specifically designed to provide power
for Paul C. Buff™ flash equipment. The system may, however, also be used to
power non-flash continuous loads for small electrical appliances such as fans,
computers or radios. The maximum continuous power drawn in such applica-
tions is 120 Watts. The system is NOT designed to power items such as hairdry-
ers, power tools, heaters, televisions, or other large appliances.
Do not attempt to
use the Vagabond Mini™ Lithium system to power items drawing more than 120 Watts.
If a continuous load is used in conjunction with flash unit use, this number
should be reduced. It should be noted that when the
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium
is used to recycle flash units, the output voltage will not remain at 120 VAC
(or 230VAC on the VM120-230V system); it will drop lower during the recycle
period of the lights. Therefore, equipment that requires continuous 120 VAC (or
230 VAC) should not be used in conjunction with flash units. To the best of our
knowledge, the momentary low voltage will not affect laptops connected via
their battery chargers. However, AC-powered computers will likely crash under
the “brown out” conditions and likely draw more than 120 watts. If you plan to
power auxiliary equipment, you should consult the product’s manual and / or
check with the product manufacturer to determine the power consumption. It
is not generally advisable to operate flash units and continuous power loads at
the same time.
Airline Travel With Your VAGABOND MINI™ LITHIUM System
The battery in the
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium
system is a 14.8V, 8.8AH lithium
ion battery rated at 130 watt-hours. Lithium ion batteries such as these are
regulated for air travel by both the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and
the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Based on the specifications
of the battery, the current DOT and IATA regulations indicate that you should
be able to travel by air with your
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium
system as carry on
baggage. However, each individual airline carrier interprets and enforces these
regulations as it sees fit, allowing or prohibiting travel on its vessels individu-
ally. Unfortunately, this means that there are no standard policies from airline to
airline and they are subject to change, without notice, at the discretion of each
You must check with your individual airline carrier before traveling with any
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium components each time that you wish to travel by air
in order to
find out the updated, applicable regulations for your specific flight based on the
specific items that you wish to travel with. To determine eligibility for travel, you
may be asked for certain specifications of the battery which are both printed on
the battery and provided in this manual. If needed, the complete
Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS)
for the
Vagabond Mini™ Lithium
battery is additionally available
for download on our website (www.paulcbuff.com/manuals.php) or we can send
you a hard copy by mail. To request a hard copy, please contact our Customer
Service team.