user as for the perfect safety to change the original set PIN code for a new, own one.
Please follow the next instructions in the followings chapters.
If you have got any further problem with the PIN code, please look for only your importer!
Usage of the PIN code is necessary, when the remote control lost, or the battery was flat, or the alarm
went wrong, but the device is in switched ON status.
Dependent on equipment of the cars, it can be necessary to change the PIN code emergency switching
OFF operation, for example in that case, if the vehicle is equipped with
system, by
this time we suggest to program the alarm for the 2. or 3. emergency switching OFF operating mode
instead of the default setting of the PIN code emergency switching OFF function!
Only importer of PATROLLINE and his contracted partners can do the programming of the alarm,
because special software and hardware is necessary to it!
1. PIN code emergency switching OFF with ignition key (it is default setting of the alarm)
The PIN code is a 3-figures number (e.g.
). If you would like to use the PIN code, do the
following instructions with ignition key of the vehicle:
At armed alarm, open the driver’s door with mechanical key. The alarm starts trigger, by this time
turn ON the ignition key, and turn OFF the ignition key as many time as first digit of the PIN code.
During turn ON the ignition key the LED is ON, after the first digit you have to wait to switch OFF the
After that immediately turn ON and OFF the ignition key as many time as the second digit.
After the LED switching OFF, turn ON and OFF the ignition key as many time as the third digit.
If the procedure was successful, the alarm switches OFF. If the procedure was unsuccessful, the alarm
stays in armed status, and triggers, by this time you have to restart the PIN code emergency
switching OFF procedure from first digit giving of the PIN code.
2. PIN code emergency switching OFF with usage of brake pedal/hand brake (this function
can be used after programming of the alarm)
At armed alarm,
open the driver’s door with mechanical key. The alarm starts trigger, by this time
turn ON the ignition key, and push/draw the brake pedal/hand brake as many time as first digit of the
PIN code (the brake pedal/hand brake operate with CAN-BUS signals not in every car types, therefore
Open only by the