Natural Language Control as used in Cognito
Cognito does keep the fact that you were rotating the gobos at 5 RPM, but if you
set the Mode (blue wheel) to Index and Cognito will remember that Index was
last set to 45° and you're back where you began:
Attribute Substitutions
Copying and swapping attributes among lights that share scalar properties like
Position and Zoom is only the tip of the iceberg when using Natural Language
Control. The real power of Natural Language Control can be seen when you start
using similar, but not identical attributes and how Natural Language Control
works with them. Color is a great example. There are three primary automated
color systems in use today; Subtractive Color Systems like CMY, Additive Color
Systems like RGB (or RGBA etc.) and Fixed Color Systems that use gel (like
scrollers) or dichroic glass (like color wheels). Natural Language Control works