Pathway Connectivity
VIA 12 Manual
V3 – April 2015
Port PoE Setup/Status
Allows review and management of power consumption used by devices running on
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) supplied by the VIA12.
Except for Max Allocation, the PoE settings are not user-editable. The Maximum PoE
Allocation allows you to set an upper limit to the power available to a connected device,
such as a node. Use Max Allocation to ensure critical devices will have power. Also use
Max Allocation to compensate for Class 0 device power allocation. Many older PoE
devices cannot report their class. The switch automatically treats these devices as
Class 0 and allocates the full, default 15.4W to their ports.
If Max Allocation for every port is left at 15.4W, PoE is allocated by the switch: a) when
the switch is power cycled, PoE is allocated starting with Port 1, then port-by-port
through port 12. Otherwise, PoE is allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis,
dependent on the order devices are plugged into the switch.
Troubleshooting tip: If the green PoE LED on the front panel is blinking, the maximum
allocation is too low for the connected device, the PoE power supply has not been set up
(see note below) or all available power is already allocated.
Available Settings
PoE: Class <x>
As reported by device
Settings not editable.
PoE: Not Detected – not a
PoE device
Class 0 - No class reported
Class 1 - Uses up to 5W
Class 2 - Uses up to 10W
Class 3 - Uses up to 15W
PoE used: <x>
Consumption in watts as reported
by the PoE controller
Not editable
PoE Allocated: <x>
Reports the maximum draw
allowed by the PoE class, or the
limit set by the user, whichever is
the lower amount.
Not editable
Max PoE Allocation: <x>
Sets the PoE allocation for the
port. Default is 15.4W, regardless
of the size of the power supply
Shows list of options from
0.9W to 15.4W, in 900mW
increments. Default is
Returns to previous menu
IMPORTANT NOTE: The VIA12 ships with hardware support for IEEE 802.3af Power-
over-Ethernet standard (PoE). In order to make use of this hardware, an external
48VDC auxiliary power supply, such as Pathway # 700-7948-100, must be connected to
the VIA12.
Once the power supply is connected, the VIA switch must be configured with the
size – in watts – of the supply USING PATHPORT MANAGER SOFTWARE. The front
panel does not allow a power supply size to be set at this time.