Version 1.2
- 10 - 2010-10-06
3.5 Audit Trail
Put Audit Trail Card to the lock.
The latest event data (up to 18 events) will be downloaded from lock to the
Card. Wait until melody is on.
Read the Card at LOS program, and 18 event data will be saved to the PC.
3.6 Open in Emergency
In case User forget his(her) password, Operator can open the lock by
Master Card.
Once Master card is used to open the lock, the lock reverts to default
(i.e. lock will stay open for Free Selection, and default code of 1234 for
Fixed Selection mode.).
User Card ID will be erased from the lock if Master Card has the function to
delete the User ID. It depends on setting of Master Card.
When the lock stops working due to low battery, lock can be opened by
external emergency battery pack.