The Priority Ducker is a Side-Chain dynamic process, used to attenuate the level of a certain number of input
channels on the base of a signal detected on an independent input.
In our case, the Priority Ducker Process is allowing to select from 1 to 4 Inputs as inputs having priority on the
other ones.
When signal above a defined threshold is detected on one of the Priority Inputs, the all others are attenuated of
a defined amount of dB.
The Priority Ducker implemented on the DMX8008 is allowing to assign to up to 4 of the all available
Microphone/Line Inputs, Priority on the others.
Particularly, when a signal above the Gating threshold is detected on one of the Priority Inputs, the other inputs
are attenuated of the Attenuation Level.
The Attenuation action is taken with the Attack Time speed and is maintained for the Hold time, after the signal
on the Priority channels dropped below the Gating Threshold, before to go back to the original level in a time
defined by the release time.
The all parameters of the DMX8008 Ducker, can be set within the Ducker Edit Parameters window
Here can be defined the following
Priority Input Channel
: up to 4 check boxes can be checked for choosing up to 4 channels which will have
priority on the unchecked ones.
Once selected the Priority Channels, in order to make the Priority effective, need to confirm the selection
pressing the “Confirm” button.
Gating Threshold
: it is the threshold defining the limit has to be passed by the input signal level on the
Priority channels to activate the ducking process and it is ranging from -44dB up to 0dB.
Attenuation Level
: it is amount of attenuation applied to the channels not having priority when the Ducking
process is active and is ranging from 0dB up to -80dB.
Attack Time
: it is the speed needed by the Ducking process to reach the set Attenuation Level once the
Ducking process is activated and is ranging from 1ms up to 2 seconds.
Hold Time
: it is the time in between the de-activation of the Ducking process and the Release action and is
ranging from 10ms up to 1 second
Release Time
: it is the speed needed by the Ducking process to get back to the original gain level of the
channels not having Priority, once the Ducking process is de-activated and is ranging from 1ms up to 2
DMX 8008