To operate multiple routers DMX8008 by remote control via RS-485 or TCP/ IP, a separate ID number or IP
address must be assigned to each unit prior to their first simultaneous operation. This may be done in the
system menu or, as described in the following, via the computer:
Connect the units one after another to the PC, using the USB interface, and make the following settings for
each unit:
- If the USB interface is not being selected, use the main window to go to the USB interface
- Add a unit (button “Add device” )
- Connect the unit (button “Connect”)
- For remote control via RS-485, press “ Add Device” and select an ID number (1 – 64) under “Configure ID”.
- For remote control via Ethernet, press “ Add Device” define an IP address under “Configure ID”.
A network mask will automatically be generated
App has been designed for the remote control by iPad of the DMX8008.
The application could be free downloaded from the Apple Store and it offers the same control features ( with
different graphic interface ) available on PC software.
One launched , the application will start scanning the network in order to detect the presence of DMX8008. If
no units will be detected, then the iPad will ask if to continue in OFFLINE MODE or close. In OFF LINE MODE, the
all functions of the DMX8008 can be seen and checked in their full functionality and parameters' range.
If a DMX8008 is instead active and detected in the scanned network, then their assigned Name, IP Address,
will be shown in the screen and make available to the user for the connection.
Until the user will not decide to connect the detected units, their presence will be noticed, but no editing action
can be taken on them. From this Window, any time can be asked a new scanning (Scan Devices) in order to ask
the detection of new units connected to the network, or to identify the removal of one or more of them. Once
decided on which ones of the available units on the network to operate, editing their parameters, need to
connect them to the iPad pressing the “Connect” buttons: the units now are connected and their connection
will be stated on the Status Column. In order to work on the connected units, it is enough to press the related
“Open” buttons and the editing windows will be available and accessible selecting the related icon on the
bottom of the screen, aside the “Home” icon, ever representing the Main Scanning Window.
DMX 8008