background image






1. Slide the sleeve of 

the electrode FastFil 

cap down to uncover 

the fill hole. (see fig. 


2. Shake the electrode 

downward like a 

thermometer to 

remove any air 

bubbles trapped 


The surface of the 

Reference Fill 

Solution in the 

reference chamber 

must be above the 

inner junction. This is 

approximately 3" 

from the electrode tip.

3. Rinse the electrode with Dl water, blot dry. Do not 

rub dry.

4. Soak the electrode in Dl water for 10 minutes, then 

in a diluted Ammonium Standard Solution for two 

hours prior to calibration or use.

Software Help

See the SPARKvue Help or PASCO Capstone Help for 

information about collecting, displaying, and analyzing 


In SPARKvue, select the HELP button in any screen 

including the Home Screen.

In PASCO Capstone, select PASCO Capstone Help 

from the Help menu, or press F1.

Checking Electrode Operation (Slope)

1. Connect your electrode to the input connector on the 

Wireless pH /ISE/ORP Sensor (or other measuring 

device). Place 100 mL of DI water into a 150 mL 

beaker. Add 2 mL Ammonium ISA to the DI water 

and stir throughly.

2. Rinse the electrode with DI water, blot dry, and 

place in the beaker with the prepared solution.

3. Pipet 1 mL of 1000 ppm Ammonium Standard Solu


tion into the beaker. Stir thoroughly, then record the 

potential (E


) in mV when a stable reading is dis



4. Pipet 10 mL of the same standard solution into the 

beaker. Stir thoroughly. When a stable reading is 

displayed, record the potential (E2) in mV.

5. The difference between the first and second poten


tial readings, (E2-E1), is defined as the electrode 

slope. The normal range for the slope is 56±4 mV at 



If the electrode slope is not within the normal range, the 

following procedure may restore the electrode.

1. Soak the electrode in a diluted standard solution for 

2 hours before use.

2. Repeat "Checking Electrode Operation" procedure 

again. Note: All standard solutions should be 

prepared fresh. For best performance use ISA in all 


Periodically check the Reference Fill Solution level in the 

reference chamber of the electrode. The solution level 

must be higher than the inner junction which is visible as 

a white ceramic pin on the inner body. 

If the electrode slope is still outside the normal range 

after this procedure, you must replace the sensing 


Reading a Sample with the Electrode

Various procedures may be used to determine the 

concentration of a sample. The most common is the 

Direct Calibration method, which is described below. 

Contact PASCO's Technical Support department for 

details of other methods.

In Direct Calibration a series of standard solutions of 

differing concentrations is used to calibrate the 

electrode. Then each sample requires only a single 

meter reading, which is compared with the calibration 

readings to obtain the sample concentration. ISA is 

added to all solutions to ensure the samples and the 

standards have the same ionic strength.

Set up:

1. Prepare the electrode as described in "Electrode 

Preparation" and "Checking Electrode Operation". 

Connect the electrode to the meter.

2. Prepare two standard solutions that differ in 

concentration by a factor of ten and bracket the 

expected sample concentration range. For example, 

if your expected sample concentration is 5 mg/L 

Fill Hole

FastFil Cap sleeve

Minimum fill level for the 

Reference Filling Solution

Minimum immersion depth

Reference Junction

Figure 1

DO NOT immerse above 

this point.
