OxyTechw² GAL Instruction Manual
4 OxyTechw² GAL Sensor
Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that these instructions are correct, common sense and good
engineering practice should always be used, as every installation can present a new set of challenges and
difficulties. If you are in any doubt please contact Partech or your local distributor for further information.
4.1 Sensor Overview
The OxyTechw² GAL Sensors a galvanic oxygen sensor. It has an upper part with Cathode, Anode and
cable, and a lower part with membrane and and electrolyte. It produces a temperature compensated millivolt
electrical output proportional to the oxygen partial pressure it senses. It also produces a separate
temperature output for the 7300w² monitor to display.
The OxyTechw² GAL Sensor is hermetically sealed, however, the bottom screw on membrane cap can be
opened for electrolyte maintenance or to replace the membrane should this be required. The top cap at the
cable entry end should not be opened as it contains no user serviceable parts.
The measurement stability of the OxyTechw² GAL Sensor is very high. A probe measuring in air will maintain
accuracy even when subjected to a sudden 20º C temperature change. The sensitivity of a probe measuring
in clean air at room temperature will remain the same for at least 3 years, therefore it is not effected by
ageing as with other sensors, reducing the operating cost and the need for intensive maintenance. A well
maintained sensor can have a life of 8 years without a membrane change.
4.2 Storage
When not in use the sensor should be stored with its yellow protective cap in place over the sensor
membrane. For very long term storage, over twelve months, it is advisable to remove the electrolyte, rinse
and dry the sensor and store in this dry condition.
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Screw on
Membrane Cap
for refurbishment