OxyTechw² GAL Instruction Manual
5 Mechanical Installation
Reliable accurate measurement from any instrument can only be achieved by correct installation of the
measuring device; in the case of the OxyTechw² Sensors, this is particularly important. If you are in
any doubt contact Partech or your local distributor for advice.
Below are some points that should be considered before starting to install the sensor, or in the event
an installed sensor gives unreliable measurements-
Ensure that the sensor is immersed deeply enough into the sample.
The sensor should be mounted in such a way as to allow easy access for calibration and
maintenance. It should be possible to remove the sensor from the process without the need to shut
the process down.
The sensor must be monitoring a sample of the process that is representative of the whole process.
To allow a single technician to calibrate and maintain the system the sensor should be placed within
sight of the 7300w² Monitor. Although cable runs of up to 100 metres are possible operational
problems can be caused.
The OxyTechw² GAL Sensor should NOT be mounted with the membrane facing up.
Where possible, angle the sensor so that it is pointing down stream, this will allow any “ragging” to
be removed by the flow past the sensor.
Do not install where there is a likelihood of freezing.
5.1 Mounting Options
Partech offer a range of mounting brackets for the installation of the OxyTechw² Sensor, which will allow the
user to apply the sensor in a wide variety of locations. Drawings of the brackets are shown in the relevant
“Optional Accessories” sections of this manual. When assessing mounting options, attention should be paid
to the accessibility of the sensor for calibration and maintenance, stability of the sensor in the flow conditions
present on site and to ensuring the sensor is fully submerged at all times.
5.2 Mounting Shaft
An optional mounting shaft fitting can be used to allows the OxyTechw² Sensorsto be fitted to a number of
mounting accessories. Partech supply mounting shafts manufactured from 2” nominal bore grey ABS pipe in
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