OxyTechw² GAL Instruction Manual
2 Introduction
2.1 Manual Conventions
All dimensions stated in this manual are in millimetres unless otherwise stated.
The manual has been written assuming the user has a basic knowledge of instrumentation and an
understanding of the type of measurement being made. Training in the use of the 7300w² Monitor and
sensors can be provided, please contact Partech for further information.
Icons have been used throughout this manual to draw your attention to precautions and useful notes.
They are categorised in the following way-
GENERAL NOTES – General notes of interest to the user.
GENERAL CAUTION – Used where caution is required to prevent injury, damage, corruption of
data, loss of calibration or invalidation of warranty etc.
INSTALLATION NOTES – General installation notes of interest to the installer.
ELECTRICAL CAUTION – Used where there is a danger of electric shock to the installer or end
user, or where caution is required to prevent damage to the instrument.
MAINTENANCE NOTES – Used to highlight recommended maintenance procedures and help with
fault finding.
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTES – General notes on environmental issues, waste and disposal.
2.2 WaterWatch² Trademark
WaterWatchw² is the family name for the w² range of Monitors and sensors. Sensors and instruments
designed for specific use with the 7300w² Monitor will be suffixed with the w² trademark.
2.3 Scope of Manual
This manual describes the installation, configuration, testing and operation of the OxyTechw² Sensor. Please
refer to 7300w² Monitor manual for standard functions of the 7300w² Monitor.
2.4 External Sensors
External sensors refers to any sensors or instruments connected to the 7300w² Monitor.
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