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GUarantee certIFIcate

Dear Customer,

All of our products undergo strict quality checks to ensure that they reach you in perfect condition. In the unlikely event that your 
device develops a fault, please contact our service department at the address shown on this guarantee card. Of course, if you 
would prefer to call us then we are also happy to offer our assistance under the service number printed below. Please note the 
following terms under which guarantee claims can be made:


These guarantee terms cover additional guarantee rights and do not affect your statutory warranty rights. We do not charge 
you for this guarantee.

•  Our guarantee only covers problems caused by material or manufacturing defects, and it is restricted to the rectification of 

these defects or replacement of the device. Please note that our devices have not been designed for use in commercial, trade 
or industrial applications. Consequently, the guarantee is invalidated if the equipment is used in commercial, trade or industrial 
applications or for other equivalent activities. The following are also excluded from our guarantee: compensation for transport 
damage, damage caused by failure to comply with the installation/assembly instructions or damage caused by unprofessional 
installation, failure to comply with the operating instructions (e.g. connection to the wrong mains voltage or current type), misu-
se or inappropriate use (such as overloading of the device or use of non-approved tools or accessories), failure to comply with 
the maintenance and safety regulations, ingress of foreign bodies into the device (e.g. sand, stones or dust), effects of force or 

external influences (e.g. damage caused by the device being dropped) and normal wear resulting from proper operation of the 


The guarantee is rendered null and void if any attempt is made to tamper with the device.


The guarantee is valid for a period of 3 years starting from the purchase date of the device. Guarantee claims should be 
submitted before the end of the guarantee period within two weeks of the defect being noticed. No guarantee claims will be 
accepted after the end of the guarantee period. The original guarantee period remains applicable to the device even if repairs 

are carried out or parts are replaced. In such cases, the work performed or parts fitted will not result in an extension of the 
guarantee period, and no new guarantee will become active for the work performed or parts fitted. This also applies when an 

on-site service is used.


In order to assert your guarantee claim, please send your defective device postage-free to the address shown below. Please 
enclose either the original or a copy of your sales receipt or another dated proof of purchase. Please keep your sales receipt in 
a safe place, as it is your proof of purchase. It would help us if you could describe the nature of the problem in as much detail 
as possible. If the defect is covered by our guarantee then your device will either be repaired immediately and returned to you, 
or we will send you a new device.

Of course, we are also happy offer a chargeable repair service for any defects which are not covered by the scope of this 
guarantee or for units which are no longer covered. To take advantage of this service, please send the device to our service 

Содержание PKS 1500 A1

Страница 1: ...las instrucciones originales de funcionamiento ES MITRE SAW PKS 1500 A1 Operating and Safety Instructions Translation of Original Operating Manual GB Kapp und Gehrungss ge PKS 1500 A1 Bedienungs und S...

Страница 2: ...a y de inglete 1 11 IT MT Sega troncatrice e per tagli obliqui 12 22 GB MT Mitre Saw 23 32 DE AT CH Kapp und Gehrungss ge 33 43 SIERRA TRONZADORA Y DE INGLETE PKS 1500 A1 SEGA TRONCATRICE E PER TAGLI...

Страница 3: ...cuentre en funcionamiento IT MT Attenzione pericolo di lesioni Non avvicinate le mani alla lama mentre questa in movimento GB MT Important Risk of injury Never reach into the running saw blade DE AT C...

Страница 4: ...Fig 2 20 21 Fig 3 24 23 25 Fig 1 1 10 17 14 15 16 Fig 1 2 19 19 18 18 22 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Fig 1...

Страница 5: ...Fig 4 2 3 27 26 1 Fig 5 28 29 6 Fig 6 30...

Страница 6: ...5 Instrucciones de seguridad adicionales 5 6 Riesgos residuales 7 Puesta en servicio 7 Montaje 7 8 Campo de aplicaci n 8 Ajustes 8 Advertencias de trabajo 8 9 Conexi n el ctrica 9 Accesorios 9 Manteni...

Страница 7: ...a pueden usar la Debe cumplirse la edad m nima requerida Adem s de las normas de seguridad contenidas en el presente manual de instrucciones y las normativas es peciales de su pa s deben observarse la...

Страница 8: ...uso de cual quier tipo de muela de tronzar Otra de las condiciones para un uso adecuado es la observancia de las instrucciones de seguridad as co mo de las instrucciones de montaje y de servicio con...

Страница 9: ...gas de trabajo se requiere una base adicional mesa caballetes etc para evitar que la m quina vuelque Presione la pieza de trabajo siempre con fuerza contra la mesa de trabajo y el tope para evitar un...

Страница 10: ...tre otros de la condici n de las hojas de sierra el estado de la hoja de sierra y de la herramienta el ctrica Utilice en la medida de lo posible hojas de sierra que se han construido para la reducci n...

Страница 11: ...estas instrucciones al pie de la letra se podr a producir una exposici n peligro sa a las radiaciones Jam s abrir el m dulo l ser En caso de no usarse la sierra tronzadora durante un periodo prolonga...

Страница 12: ...tarla en la posici n correcta v anse las flechas de la caja Fije la carga con cuerdas o correas de seguridad para que no se deslice durante el transporte o se caigan pie zas de la carga POSICIONAMIENT...

Страница 13: ...ediante el indicador 25 Final mente debe ajustarse de nuevo con fuerza el asidero Advertencias de trabajo Une vez realizado todo lo descrito hasta ahora puede comenzar con el trabajo ATENCI N Mantenga...

Страница 14: ...e realizarlas solo un experto electricista En caso de posibles dudas indique los siguientes da tos Tipo de corriente del motor Datos de la placa de caracter sticas de la m quina Datos de la placa de c...

Страница 15: ...cidad total Circuitos del sistema el ctrico sobrecargados l mparas otros motores etc No utilice otros aparatos o motores con el mismo circuito el ctrico El motor se sobrecalienta con facilidad Sobreca...

Страница 16: ...ogados no observancia de las disposiciones de mantenimiento y seguridad introducci n de cuerpos extra os en el aparato como p ej arena piedras o polvo uso violento o influencias externa como p ej da o...

Страница 17: ...Ulteriori avvisi di sicurezza 16 17 Rischi residui 17 Messa in funzione 18 Montaggio 18 Campo d impiego 18 Regolazioni 19 Istruzioni di lavoro 19 Allacciamento elettrico 20 Accessori 20 Manutenzione...

Страница 18: ...rispettata l et minima prescrit ta Si declina ogni responsabilit in caso di incidenti o danni dovuti al mancato rispetto delle presenti istruzioni e delle avvertenze di sicurezza Legenda della Fig 1...

Страница 19: ...ori regole generali sugli ambiti medico operativi e sulla sicurezza in campo tecnico I cambiamenti effettuati alla sega esonerano il produt tore da qualsiasi responsabilit ed escludono total mente i d...

Страница 20: ...ersi alle istruzioni di lubrificazione e sostitu zione dell utensile Controllare regolarmente il cavo di collegamento dell elettroutensile e farlo sostituire da un tecnico in caso di danneggiamento Ve...

Страница 21: ...certarsi che la lama non tocchi in nessuna posizione il tavolo rotante ruotando la lama con la mano in posizione a 45 e 90 con la spina staccata Eventualmente regolare di nuovo la testa della sega Dur...

Страница 22: vicino a fuoco fornelli o altre fonti di calore Non esporre le batterie ai raggi diretti del sole non conservarle n depositarle in veicoli in caso di condizioni meteo di caldo 15 Conservare le batt...

Страница 23: ...o estremamente importante nella prevenzione degli incidenti ALLACCIAMENTO ALLA RETE La presa deve essere in buone condizioni Si fa presente che l impianto della rete elettrica deve es sere dotato di u...

Страница 24: ...icurarsi che la mano sia al di fuori dell area di taglio della lama Con la mano destra sull impugnatura 2 premere la leva di bloccaggio 3 in modo che l unit non possa ruotare verso il basso Dopo aver...

Страница 25: ...ti dell etichetta identificativa della macchina Dati dell etichetta identificativa del motore Accessori ASPIRAZIONE SEGATURA La sega troncatrice dotata di un bocchettone di aspira zione al quale pu es...

Страница 26: da una persona competente ed esperta Il motore non raggiunge la massima potenza Il circuito di alimentazione del sistema sovraccarico lampade motori altri ecc Non utilizzare altri i motori o altri...

Страница 27: ...ata osservanza delle norme di sicurezza e di manutenzione dalla penetrazione di corpi estranei nell apparecchio come per es sabbia pietre o polvere dall impiego della forza o dall influsso esterno com...

Страница 28: ...ion 25 26 Additional safety instructions 26 28 Residual risks 28 Commissioning 28 Assembly 29 Area of application 29 Settings 29 Working instructions 29 30 Electrical connection 30 Accessories 30 Main...

Страница 29: ...rning the operati on of the machine and who are informed about the asso ciated dangers The minimum age requirement must be complied with In addition to the safety notes contained in the present operat...

Страница 30: ...ine Despite use as intended specific risk factors cannot be entirely eliminated Due to the design and layout of the machine the following risks remain Contact with the saw blade in the non covered saw...

Страница 31: ...outdoors Only use approved and appropriately identified extension cables for use outdoors Only use cable reels in the unrolled state 19 Remain attentive Pay attention to what you are doing Remain sen...

Страница 32: ...r passive medical implants under certain conditions In order to prevent the risk of serious or deadly injuries we recommend that persons with medical implants consult with their physician and the manu...

Страница 33: ...ts in reduced output of the machine in the processing and in cut precision When cutting plastic material please always use clamps the parts which should be cut must always be fixed between the clamps...

Страница 34: Exact angle adjustment is possible on the basis of the scale The angle can be precisely and quickly ad justed from 0 to 45 with locking positions at 15 22 5 and 30 To pivot the rotary table loose...

Страница 35: ...H 07 RN The printing of the type designation on the connection cable is mandatory AC motor The mains voltage must be 230 V Extension cables up to 25 m long must have a cross section of 1 5 mm2 Connect...

Страница 36: ...inspection of the motor by a specialist The motor does not reach its full power Circuits in the network are overloaded lamps other motors etc Do not use any other equipment or motors on the same circ...

Страница 37: ...ons ingress of foreign bodies into the device e g sand stones or dust effects of force or external influences e g damage caused by the device being dropped and normal wear resulting from proper operat...

Страница 38: ...35 Wichtige Hinweise 35 37 Zus tzliche Sicherheitshinweise 37 38 Restrisiken 39 Inbetriebnahme 39 Montage 39 40 Einsatzbereich 40 Einstellungen 40 Arbeitshinweise 40 41 Elektrischer Anschluss 41 Zube...

Страница 39: ...en arbeiten die im Gebrauch der Maschine unterwiesen und ber die damit verbundenen Gefahren unterrichtet sind Das ge for der te Mindestalter ist einzuhalten Neben den in dieser Bedienungsanweisung ent...

Страница 40: ...ler Art ist untersagt Bestandteil der bestimmungsgem en Verwendung ist auch die Beachtung der Sicherheitshinweise sowie die Montageanleitung und Betriebshinweise in der Be dienungsanleitung Personen d...

Страница 41: ...fest gegen Arbeitsplatte und Anschlag um ein Wackeln bzw Verdrehen des Werkst ckes zu verhindern 13 Vermeiden Sie abnormale K rperhaltung Sorgen Sie f r sicheren Stand und halten Sie jederzeit das Gl...

Страница 42: ...standhaltung Ziehen Sie bei jeglichen Einstell und Wartungs arbeiten den Netzstecker Die L rmverursachung wird von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst unter anderem von der Be schaffenheit der S gebl t...

Страница 43: ...kann dies zu einer gef hrlichen Strahlungsexposition f hren Lasermodul niemals ffnen Es k nnte unerwartet zu einer Strahlenexposition kommen Wenn die Kapps ge l ngere Zeit nicht benutzt wird sollten...

Страница 44: ...feile auf der Schachtel Fixieren Sie die Ladung mit Seilen oder Sicherheitsrie men damit es w hrend des Transports nicht zu Ver schiebungen kommt oder Teile der Ladung herausfallen POSITIONIERUNG ARBE...

Страница 45: ...inkel kann anhand der Skala 24 mittels Zeiger 25 festgestellt werden Abschlie end ist der Handgriff wieder fest anzuziehen Arbeitshinweise Nachdem Sie nun all dies was bis hierher beschrieben wur de a...

Страница 46: ...r elektrischen Ausr s tung d rfen nur von einer Elektro Fachkraft durchge f hrt werden Bei R ckfragen bitte folgende Daten angeben Stromart des Motors Daten des Maschinen Typenschildes Daten des Motor...

Страница 47: ...urch einen Fachmann kontrollieren lassen Motor erreicht volle Leistung nicht Stromkreise in Netzanlage berlastet Lampen andere Motoren etc Verwenden Sie keine andere Ger te oder Motoren auf demselben...

Страница 48: ...dungen wie z B berlastung des Ger tes oder Verwendung von nicht zugelassenen Einsatzwerkzeugen oder Zubeh r Nichtbeach tung der Wartungs und Sicherheitsbestimmungen Eindringen von Fremdk rpern in das...

Страница 49: atbilst bas un standarti du rakstu NL verklaart hierbij dat het volgende artikel voldoet aan de daarop betrekking hebbende EG richtlijnen en normen RUS PT declara o seguinte conformidade com a Dir...

Страница 50: ......

Страница 51: ...lj vennlig gjenvinningsanlegg DK Kun for EU lande Elv rkt j m ikke bortskaffes som allmindeligt affald I henhold til det europ iske direktiv 2002 96 EF em bortskaffelse af elektriske og elektroniske p...

Страница 52: ...n disponible Versione delle informazioni Last Information Stand der Informationen Update 08 2013 Ident No 93463_ 3901105978 scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH G nzburger Str 69 D...
