Parker RAC Europe
PSD04 | User manual ver. 3.6 | Code 144PSDE364
page 60 of 74
When enabled (Pa50), this alarm is triggered when the evaporation temperature (Te) rise above the MOP threshold
(Pc05, Pp05, Pd05) and activates a specific algorithm for managing the MOP. The condition is signalled in the
Algorithm status (AlgS) and, when the timeout (Pa52) expires, an alarm is set. When the Te temperature returns
within its limits (Pa51 defines the hysteresis), the alarm and its signal are cleared and the normal regulation algorithm
When enabled (Pa30), and the evaporation pressure (Pe) falls below the low pressure threshold (Pa31), an warning is
signalled. After the timeout (Pa33) expires, the LP alarm is set. The alarm and its signal are cleared automatically
when the pressure returns above the threshold. (Pa32 defines the hysteresis).
Parameters error
Bit 12 of Alarm status (AlSt) indicates that there was a problem during the automatic conversion of the parameters of
temperature and/or pressure and it is possible that not all parameters have been successfully converted.
The automatic conversion of the parameters is performed only at the reset after a change in parameters Ph60 and/or
If this alarm occurs, the user should check and correct all the parameters of temperature and pressure, cancel the
alarm leading to 1 bit 0 of the variable Command (Cmd), and then reset the PSD04.