Parker Hannifin S.p.A. - Divisione S.B.C. LVD User’s Manual
3.6 Operating modes
Operating modes are selected by means of parameter Pr31 (default = 0). Each operating
mode commands a speed control loop by means of parameter Pr6 and can limit motor torque
with parameter Pr21 (see block diagrams). Speed control uses Pr7 or Pr6 as a reference
depending on the value of b40.2.
Before changing Pr31, b40.2 must be set to 0 to prevent undesired motor movement; it is
now possible to set Pr31 to the value of the chosen operating mode and load default values by
means of parameter b99.11. The operating mode will be enabled by setting b40.2 to 1.
3.7 Torque control
This operating mode does not perform "classic" torque control because the speed loop
remains active to monitor limit speed; the torque reference is the main reference Pr7. To set
torque control first program the speed loop to create a stable system and then set Pr31=1 to
program the operating mode, setting default values with command b99.11. Now set Pr2=1000
(10 V = 100.0 % torque) b40.0=0, b40.12=0 and b40.2=1 to program the reserved reference,
and Pr50 to limit maximum motor speed.
Maximum speed
. Unit=rpm, default=3000, range=0..9000. This parameter allows
you to restrict maximum motor speed during torque control operation.
3.8 Acceleration control
Instead of performing closed loop acceleration control, this mode uses main reference Pr7
for dynamic modulation of the ramps. To program analogic acceleration control the first
requirement is a stable speed loop. When this is obtained set Pr31=2 to program the operating
mode and set default values with command b99.11. Now set Pr 2=ACC / 3.2 where ACC is
required acceleration in rad/s
with a 10V reference signal, b40.0 = 0, b40.12 = 0, b40.2 = 1 to
enable the reserved reference. Also, set the required motor limit speed in Pr50.
Maximum speed
. Unit=rpm, default=3000, range=0..9000. This parameter serves to
limit maximum absolute motor speed.
, this is a read-only parameter of the acc./dec. reference.
Unit=s/krpm, range=2..30000, resolution=0.001 secs.