Parker Hannifin S.p.A. - Divisione S.B.C. LVD User’s Manual
Motor shaft position
. Unit=steps, range=0..4095. Read-only parameter that shows
the absolute position of the resolver.
Number of motor poles
. Possible settings =2..64, default=8. Describes the
relationship between the number of motor poles and the sets of resolver poles.
Resolver position offset
. Default=0; use Pr 30 for electronic correction of the
mechanical position of the resolver.
Operating mode
. Default=0. Use Pr 31 to select the active operating mode. 0
indicates no operating mode.
Rated speed
. Unit=rpm, range=0...9000, default=3200. Nominal motor speed.
Should be programmed with the motor speed at which rated voltage corresponds to
drive power feeding voltage reduced by 13%. Consult the formula in the section
Commissioning the
LVD Drive
Motor rated current
. Unit=% of peak current, range=10.0...50.0%, resolution=0.1%
default=50.0%. Enter motor rated current.
Torque monitor
. Unit=% of torque at peak current, resolution 0.1%. This parameter
indicates the percentage of torque (or current) that the motor is delivering.
Thermal image of motor winding
. Unit=% of reference temperature. This read-only
parameter indicates an estimation of the heat on the innermost windings of the motor.
If the value reaches 100.0 %, which is equal to the nominal value, b41.11 switches to
1 so that current can be limited to the rated value.
Thermal image of the braking resistor
. Unit=% of nominal temperature. This read-
only parameter indicates an estimation of the heat on the braking resistor. If the value
reaches 100.0 % or more, consider using an external braking resistor.
Auxiliary analog output
. Unit=% of 9.76V, default=0, range=±100.0%, resolution
8 bit. If b40.11 is equal to 1, the auxiliary analog output will be equal to
976xPr38/100 volts.
Stack pointer
. Pr43 is utilised as a pointer for the parameters table (refer to
useful functions
Table element value
. Pr44 assumes the value of the table element on which Pr43 is
pointed (refer to
Other useful functions
Main analog input
. Unit=16000ths of 9.76V, range=±16347. Represents the value
of the main analog input.
Pr47:46 Encoder input or frequency/sign
. Unit=steps. Encoder input counter or frequency /
sign (b42.5).
Pr49:48 Motor catch position.
Value of the spinning motor catch position with the dedicated
input (refer to
Other useful functions
Pr96:95 Quote compare
(refer to
Other useful functions
Pr98:97 Quote compare
(refer to
Other useful functions