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Operating Functions

a) Transport 



If required, disconnect the hoses from the pump and join together.


The system will equalise and retain seat pressure once the  



pump has been shut off.

b) Infection 



Should the seat become infected then please refer to our  



disinfection protocol for appropriate cleaning processes. 

Support Setting Procedure

It is important to follow the correct support setting procedure to ensure the 
patient receives adequate support (lift) while achieving maximum pressure 
relief and comfort. Failure to do this could result in the patient neing put at 

1.  Lie or sit the patient on the cushion.

2.  Reset pressure dial on pump according to patient weight guide  (PWG). 

Ensure the correct pressure setting has been selected for either lying 
or sitting position.

3.  MAXIMUM PATIENT WEIGHT 159 kgs / 25 stones

Weight in KG

Weight in lb

Weight in Stones
& lb


31 - 85kg

85 - 113kg

113 - 141kg

141 - 159kg

70 - 187lb

187 - 249lb

249 - 310lb 

310 - 350lb

5 stone - 13 stone

33% turn away 
from soft

66% turn away 
from soft



13 stone - 17 stone 

17 stone 11lb - 22 
stone 2lb

22 stone 2lb - 25 

4.  Cleaning

The following guidelines are suggested by Park House Healthcare Ltd 
as being suitable infection control procedures. Further information is 


General cleaning may be affected by using a cloth dampened with a mild 
detergent and water solution. This approach may be followed either by 
wiping with a sodium hypochlorite solution to a dilute of 1000 ppm or by 
using an alcoholic wipe.

Do not use hyper carbonate or phenol based cleaning solutions.

Do not use any abrasive compounds or cleaning pads.


General Cleaning

Using a single use wipe, clean the cover with a solution of neutral detergent 
and hand hot water. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and a damp single 
use wipe. NOTE: The top, bottom and all four sides of the cushion, including 
under the zip 


 aps MUST be cleaned.

Disinfecting the cover

If the cover is heavily soiled or has been exposed to bodily 


 uids such as 

blood, it will require a more thorough cleaning procedure:

Wipe the cover using a single use wipe and a 0.1% Chlorine Solution 
(1,000ppm) and cold water. If required a 1% Chlorine Solution (10,000ppm) 
and cold water can be used. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and a damp 
single use wipe. Make sure the cover is completely dried before re


 tting to 

the cushion.

Frequent or prolonged exposure to higher concentration disinfectant 
solutions may prematurely age the fabric cover. Surfaces must be protected 
during use and rinsed and thoroughly dried after application of a disinfectant.
