Using a standard thermal disinfector for baby bottles (not a
microwave oven)
Risk of infection due to inadequate disinfection
Inadequate disinfection encourages the growth of bacteria
and thus increases the risk of infection.
• Make sure that the disinfector is clean and working prop-
erly before every use.
• Allow disinfection to continue until the disinfector automat-
ically switches itself off, or the minimum disinfection time
specified in the instructions for use of the disinfector has
elapsed. Do not switch the device off prematurely.
For effective disinfection, use a disinfector with a runtime of at
least 6 minutes. Regarding disinfection, the duration of the dis-
infection procedure and the quantity of water required for this,
follow the instructions for use of the disinfector you are using.
With a microwave disinfector
Risk of burns
In a thermal disinfector, all of the components become very
hot. If they are removed before they have had time to cool
down after disinfection, they may cause burns on contact
with skin.
• Allow all parts to cool down for about 10 minutes after
they have been disinfected before taking them out of the
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