To close the soft palate, follow the instructions below:
To close your soft palate, say the three letters “ing” as one
word for as long as possible. After a short breathing pause, re-
peat this as often as necessary until the treatment is complete.
The nose is automatically blocked off from the mouth and
throat by closing the "soft palate". The soft palate closes
when swallowing or making sounds such as "ing".
Alternatively, you can breathe in and out slowly and deliber-
ately through your mouth, as if attempting to blow a candle out
(i.e. do not breathe through your nose). However, this method
of closing the soft palate is not easy to perform for everybody,
and some practice may be required.
You can tell the soft pallet is closed when the nostrils vibrate
gently and air comes out through the hole in the nasal plug in
the unobstructed nostril.
Proceed as follows in order to carry out the treatment:
• Sit in an upright position and relax.
• Take the nebuliser out of its holder and hold it upright.
• Block one nostril with the aid of
the nasal plug supplied with the
It is necessary to block one
nostril with the nasal plug be-
cause a certain amount of resis-
tance is needed to ensure that
the vibrating aerosol can penet-
rate the paranasal sinuses.
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