Update the WX WiFi Module Firmware
A. Connect to the WiFi module
1. Connect the Parallax WX ESP8266 WiFi Module to any available accessory header on your
Propeller 2 board using the P2 WX Adapter Add-on Board.
2. Power on your Propeller 2 board.
3. Make sure the WiFi module's blue ASC LED starts to blink or light up.
4. From your computer (could be a tablet, laptop or smartphone), search for available WiFi
networks and connect to the Parallax WX ESP8266 WiFi module network. By default, the device
name will be in this format: WX-123456.
5. If the module is not found when searching for wireless networks, grab a paperclip or similar small
metal object and touch 4 times quickly the golden egg on the P2 WX Adapter PCB (labelled AP).
You want to short out the 2 pads of the egg 4 times in quick succession. When you are
successful you should notice the behaviour of the blue “ASC” LED changes, and from your
computer you will be able to search again for new wireless networks until you find the
WX-123456 network.
B. One time setup (Ignore this section if previously completed)
1. Once connected to the WiFi module, open your web-browser (Chrome or Edge recommended)
and visit this address:
2. You should see the Parallax Wireless Module webpage, with various menus on the left. If the
menus are not visible and you are using a small-display device, then you might need to rotate
the display to landscape view.
3. Click on the “Firmware” menu on the left-hand-side and upload the special P2 firmware file
(P2_httpd_xxxx.ota) downloaded previously. Once completed the module will reboot; allow time
for the module to reboot and re-connect your laptop WiFi connection if necessary.
Copyright © Parallax Inc.
P2 WX Adapter Add-on Board (#64007)
v1.0 11/12/2020 Page 3 of 7