December 1998
Table 1.
System Options (2 of 2)
DDS Line Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 56, 64CC
Default Setting: 9.6
Sets the line speed for the DDS line.
DDS Line Rate (Kbps) option appears when Operating Mode is set to DDS.
2.4 to 56 – 2.4 to 56 kbps line rate.
64CC – 64 kbps Clear Channel on a 72 kbps circuit.
LADS Timing
Possible Settings: Internal, External, Receive
Default Setting: Internal
Determines the timing source for the unit.
LADS Timing option appears when Operating Mode is set to LADS.
Internal – Timing derived from the unit’s local clock. Use this setting for the LADS
primary timing unit that establishes the timing for both point-to-point units.
External – Timing is derived from the external clock provided by the DTE connected to
the V.35 interface on circuit CT113 (pins U, W).
Receive – Timing is derived from the line receive signal unless the unit is running
diagnostic tests. During the tests, the timing source is the internal clock. This setting
should be used for a LADS secondary timing unit.
LADS Line Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 56, 64
Default Setting: 9.6
Sets the line operating rate for LADS operation.
LADS Line Rate (Kbps) option appears when Operating Mode is set to LADS.
2.4 to 64 – DSUs communicate at this line rate.
Test Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Allows user-initiated tests to end automatically.
Enable – User-initiated loopback and pattern tests end when test duration is reached.
Disable – Tests must be terminated manually from the Network Tests screen.
Tests commanded by the DTE or network-initiated tests are not affected by
this test timeout.
Test Duration (min)
Possible Settings: 1–120
Default Setting: 10
Determines the number of minutes for a test to be active before automatically ending.
Test Duration (min) option appears when Test Timeout is enabled.
1 to 120 – Amount of time in minutes for a user-initiated test to run before terminating.