December 1998
Table 3.
Data Port Options (3 of 3)
RLSD Control
Possible Settings: Standard, Forced On
Default Setting: Standard
Specifies the operation of the Interchange Circuit CT109, Received Line Signal Detector
(RLSD or CD), which is an output from the DSU.
Standard – RLSD is asserted when Data Mode is on the receive line. RLSD deasserts
when a DDS facility alarm is detected or the DSU is receiving CMI codes.
Forced On – RLSD is forced on after the unit is powered up with a successful self-test.
DSR Control
Possible Settings: Standard, Forced On, On During Test
Default Setting: Standard
Specifies the operation of the Interchange Circuit CT107, Data Set Ready (DSR), which
is an output from the DSU.
Standard – DSR is always asserted, except when a DDS facility alarm is reported or
the DSU is in Test mode.
Forced On – DSR is forced on after the unit is powered up with a successful self-test.
On During Test – DSU operates the same as the Standard option, except that DSR
remains asserted when the DSU is in Test mode to allow the DTE to send test patterns.
Monitor DTR
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Indicates to the DSU whether to monitor the Interchange Circuit CT108, Data Terminal
Ready (DTR), from the DTE.
Enable – The DSU monitors the state of DTR on the DTE port and displays it on the
System and Test Status screen.
Disable – DTR is not monitored by the DSU. Use when a DTE does not provide the
DTR lead at the interface.