UC300 Universal Converter
4. Click
to locate the IP150 module on the LAN.
Figure 10 – Select the IP150 Device
5. Record this information as it will required to set port forwarding for the port and for binding the IP to the
MAC address in your router. Reserve this IP address.
6. Click
In the UC300 Properties => Reporting =>Network Settings=> Internet Settings set the IP address and port
numbers to match the Accounts and router settings. Go to your router web page and port forward the port
according to the information in the “Locate IP Device on Network” window. In the router browser window,
bind the MAC address to the IP address from the “Locate IP Device on Network” window.
7. Port forward the IP150 IP address in your router.
8. Reserve the IP address (Bind the MAC to the IP address).
Figure 11 – Reserve IP