Using the Braille display with Dolphin Hal/Supernova
If you want to exit without saving the changes, push the Easy Access Bar 2 steps
up. You will then return to the application you came from.
Reveal Text Attributes
You can have the Braille display reveal different text attributes. The Braille
display then underlines the corresponding portion of text with dots 7+8. You can
select any of the different attributes directly, or you can choose to get all
available attributes revealed. You can, of course, also disable this function.
Press the left key in rear position to activate the selection. You will see a dialog
that looks like follows:
The first line in the dialog box shows the current attribute value at the cursor
position of the application you are in. You can obviously also use this function to
just look up the exact attribute at the cursor position.
The next line contains the global attribute display choices:
Attribute display: Braille marking all
Attribute display: Braille marking off
Attribute display: See below for current settings
If you select "Braille marking all", all text with screen attributes other than
normal will be marked with dots 7 and 8. This only works if in the Braille
presentation options, the "mark with dots 7 and 8" option is enabled.
The "Braille marking off" option disables the Braille marking function for all
If you have chosen one or several attributes you want to get revealed with dots
7 and 8, you get the message "Braille marking see below for current settings".
Push the Easy Access Bar one step to the left or to the right to select the
In the next lines, you see the list of attributes that can be revealed with dots 7
and 8. You enable or disable the marking by pushing the Easy Access Bar one
step to the left or to the right. If you modify any of the settings in this part of
the dialog, line 2 will change to " Attribute display: modified". If you go back to
line 2 you can then also restore the initial selection of attributes to be displayed,
by chosing "Braille marking see below for current settings".
If you want to save the setting, push the Easy Access Bar 2 steps down. The
value displayed will be activated, and you will return to the application you came