Using the Braille display with Dolphin Hal/Supernova
PC Mode
In PC mode, the Easy Access Bar allows to navigate through an application. Easy
Access Bar keys will emulate PC keyboard functions:
PC Mode Functions
Easy Access Bar
One step left
PC Left arrow key
One step up
PC Up arrow key
One step right
PC Right arrow key
One step down
PC Down arrow key
Two steps left
Two steps up
Two steps right
Two steps down
Combined Mode
The combined mode includes both screen navigation and cursor movement
features. When you move the Easy Access Bar up or down, the cursor is moved
one line up or down as well (cf. PC mode). When you move the Easy Access Bar
to the right, the function is the same as in navigation mode if the text line is
longer than the display is. The cursor remains at the original position. Once all
the text of that line has been displayed, another “read forwards” command will
move both the cursor and the display to the next line. Pushing the Easy Access
Bar one step left corresponds to “read backwards” if you are within a long line of
text. Otherwise, both cursor and display are moved one line up.
In analogy to the navigation mode, two marker positions can be reached
directly: the title bar (with 2 steps up) and the last window line, which typically
corresponds to a status line (with 2 steps down). This will NOT move the cursor.
The main reading functions (read forwards and backwards) have a double
assignment: they can be reached with both the first step and the second step
right or left.
Combined Mode Functions
Easy Access Bar
One step left
Read backwards (within a long line), or: move cursor
and display to previous line
Two steps left
Same as one step left
One step up
Move cursor and display to previous line
One step right
Read forwards (within a long line), or: move cursor and
display to next line
Two steps right
Same as one step right.
One step down
Move cursor and display to next line
Two steps up
Moves the display to the title bar
Two steps down
Moves the display to the last line of the window.