This unit is designed to operate off of a standard 12 volt ba ery and is generally connected to the boats
main star ng ba ery. Follow the illustra on and instruc ons below:
1. Mount the electrical control box inside the boat using the two ½ inch screws provided
2. The push bu on switch can be mounted in any convenient loca on near the driver’s seat. For ller
operated motors, the switch can be strapped to the ller arm with cable es.
3. Run the three pronged switch lead to the control relay box and the two pronged lead from the
control box to the bracket.
4. Apply a small amount of dielectric grease to each of the connectors and plug them together. (It is
also recommended that these connec ons be wrapped with a waterproof tape or shrink tube
5. A er all connec ons are made, connect the ring terminal leads to the ba ery. Connect the red lead
to the posi ve (+) terminal and the black lead to the nega ve (-) terminal.
6. Test the unit by running it up and down to make sure that there is adequate slack in the leads. Then
using the cable es supplied, secure all of the wiring to make sure it does not get pinched during
opera on.