• Enter the fourth digit • Press the button the number of times equal to the fourth digit. Pauses
between presses should not exceed 1 second. Each pressing will be confirmed with an orange LED
indicator flash. The correct input will be confirmed with the series of green and red flashes of the
LED indicator.
Emergency disarming
In case you cannot disarm the system as usual, use the VALET button and the «Secret PIN-code» written
on the Owner’s personal card (see the «General information» section):
• If your car is locked, unlock it by an original key. Not paying attention to the siren signals, make sure
that the ignition is off and enter the «Secret PIN-code» (see the procedure description above). If there
are no siren sounds or LED flashes, check the battery. It is not possible to enter the «Secret PIN-code»,
if there is no power supply.
• The system will be disarmed in case of correct PIN-code input. It will be confirmed with the series of
green and red flashes of the LED indicator, the series of sound signals of the Beeper, 4 beeps of the
Siren and 4 signals of the light signalization.
• The system will stay in previous state in case of incorrect input of the PIN-code. It will be indicated
with a long red flash of the LED indicator. New input can be attempted after 5 seconds.
• Emergency disarming is equivalent to a normal method of disarming. No additional actions are
required for further operation of the system.
Emergency control of the anti-theft functions
This section describes how to deactivate and activate anti-theft functions (Immobilizer and Anti-Hi-
jack), which use a radio tag, a remote control or a mobile phone as an owner authorization device, and
«Code immobilizer» function, which uses standard car controls (buttons, levers, pedals) to enter the
Immobilizer PIN-code.
Emergency deactivation of anti-theft functions
To temporarily deactivate the Immobilizer or Code immobilizer function (pin-to-drive), turn on the
ignition when the system is disarmed. Enter the «Secret code» from the owner’s personal card using the
VALE T butt on. The immobilizer functions will be being deactivated by the time the ignition is turned off.
Emergency activation/deactivation Immobilizer/Code Immobilizer functions
А еmergency control of the anti-theft functions is possible only when the system is disarmed, the
ignition is off, service mode is deactivated, a vehicle battery is charged.
Enter the «Secret PIN-code» or the «Service PIN-code» (default value is 1-1-1-1) to put the system in
programming mode.
Pauses between presses should not exceed 1 second. Each pressing will be confirmed with an
orange LED indicator flash. The system will confirm entering the 13th or 15th level with the red flashes
of the LED and short signals of the Siren/Beeper.
• TO DEACTIVATE THE FUNCTION – The LED indicator will be green after entering the
programming level. The system will wait 10 seconds for entering the «Secret PIN-code». If the PIN-code
is not entered within 10 seconds or the input is incorrect, the siren will sound one signal, the LED will
produce the series of red and green flashes and the system will return to the programming menu. Enter
the «Secret PIN-code» that is written on the owner’s plastic card. The system will confirm deactivating
with two sound signals of the siren, a long red LED flash and two sound signals of the siren. Turn on the
ignition and then turn off to exit programming mode. The function will be deactivated.
• TO ACTIVATE THE FUNCTION - The LED indicator will light red and the Beeper will sound a long
beep after entering the programming level. The system will wait for action. Press the VALET button once
activate the immobilizer function. The system will confirm enabling with one short sound signal of the
Siren/Beeper and a green LED light. Turn on the ignition and then turn off to exit programming mode.
The function will be activated.
To manage Code Immobilizer
function - After entering
programming mode, press the
VALET button 13 times.
To manage Immobilizer and Anti-Hi-Jack
functions - After entering programming
mode, press the VALET button 15 times.