It is extremely important to use the correct measure of ingredients for best results.
Liquid ingredients
Use the sourdough cup or measuring spoon provided.
If the recipes indicate a mixture (the liquid plus egg), should be weighted on scales. Using digital scale is recommended.
Dry ingredients
Should be weighed on scales or measured with measuring spoon provided for the small amounts. Using digital scale is recommended.
Main ingredient of bread. The protein in flour forms gluten during kneading.
Gluten provides structure and texture and helps the bread to rise.
Use strong flour. Strong flour is milled from the wheat and has a high
content of protein which is necessary for the development of gluten.
Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation is trapped within the elastic
network of gluten, thus making the dough rise.
White flour
Made by grinding wheat kernel, excluding bran and germ. The best kind
of flour for baking bread is a flour marked “for bread baking”.
Do not use plain or self - raising flour as a substitute for bread flour.
Whole wheat flour
Made by grinding entire wheat kernel, including bran and germ.
Makes very health-giving bread. This bread is lower in height and
heavier than bread baked with white flour.
Rye flour
Made by grinding rye kernel. Contains more iron, magnesium and
potassium, which contribute to good health.
Due to the low gluten content, it makes a dense, heavier bread.
Do not use more than stated quantity (could overload motor).
Dry yeast
Enables the bread to rise.
Be sure to use dry yeast that does not require pre - fermentation. Do not use
yeast that requires preliminary fermentation. Dry yeast which has “Easy
blend”, “Fast Action” or “Easy Bake” written on the packet is recommended.
When using dry yeast from sachets, seal the sachet again immediately
after use. To store, follow the Manufacturer's instructions and discard after
48 hours of opening. It is recommended on most yeast packets to keep in
a cool dry place.
Dairy products
Add flavour and nutritional value.
If you use milk instead of water, the nutritional value of the bread will be
higher, but do not use in timer setting as it may not keep fresh overnight.
Reduce the amount of water proportionally to the amount of milk.
(granulated sugar, brown sugar, honey, treacle, etc.)
Food for the dry yeast, sweetens and adds flavour to the bread, changes
the colour of the crust.
Use less sugar if using raisins or other fruits, which contain fructose.
Use normal tap water.
When room temperature is low, use tepid water for menu “Basic Rapid”,
“Bread Mix”, “Bread Mix Raisin”, “Whole Wheat Rapid”, “Rye”, “Gluten
Free Bread” or “Gluten Free Pasta”.
When room temperature is high, use chilled water for menu “Rye”,
“French” or “Brioche”.
Always measure out liquids using the sourdough cup provided.
Improves the flavour and strengthens gluten to help the bread rise.
The bread may lose size / flavour if measuring is inaccurate.
Adds flavour and softness to the bread.
Use butter (unsalted), margarine or oil.
You can make your bread taste better by
adding other ingredients.
Improve the nutritional value and colouring of the bread. (Water
amount must be reduced proportionally.) Beat eggs when
adding eggs. Do not use the timer for the recipe with egg.
(Eggs go rotten quickly if your room temperature is high.)
Increases the bread’s fibre content.
Use max. 50
(5 tbsp).
Wheat germ
Gives the bread a nuttier flavour.
Use max. 50
(4 tbsp).
Spices, herbs
Enhance the flavour of the bread.
• Only use a small amount (max. 1 tbsp).
If using a bread mix...
Bread mixes including dry yeast
Place the mix in the bread pan, then add water.
(Follow instructions on the packet for the quantity of water)
Select menu 5 or 6.
With some mixes, it is not clear how much dry yeast is included,
so some trial and error may be required to obtain optimum
Bread mix with separate dry yeast sachet
First place the bread mix in the bread pan, then the water. Then
place the measured dry yeast in the yeast dispenser.
(For SD-R2530, place the dry yeast in the bread pan first, then
the bread mix, then the water.)
Set the machine according to the type of flour included in the
mix, and start the baking.
White flour - recommended for menu 5, 6.
Brown flour - menu 1
Whole wheat - menu 7
Rye flour - menu 12 (SD-YR2550 only)
Baking brioche with brioche mix
Select the menu 10 or 2 - “Medium” size - “Light” crust colour.
The outcome differs depending on the type of mixed flour.
Bread-making Ingredients
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2021/2/6 下午 01:30:25